Principal's Message

Greetings to all the Readers

“Every morning’s dew is a fresh breath of a new beginning.”

Jessica Edouard

Coming back to school after vacations has always been an emotional time and a new beginning as everyone is excited to see teachers, friends and their classrooms.

I welcome all the young minds radiating with a sense of unbridled enthusiasm, untainted hope and unabashed joy for life to the school campus.

Dear children, as we navigate your way to help you find the right direction, always remember that ideas and philosophies have a shelf-life. They must be kept fresh and renewed as they nourish learning. So, make yourself erudite, patriotic, law abiding and ceaselessly seek excellence, with a deep concern for all especially the weak and the poor sections of the society.

Dear parents, as our children make their way on the untrodden roads, let’s accord prime importance to their behavioural discipline, moral integrity and cognitive development to envisages an all around and balanced education.

I believe that together we can give our children theroots to grow and the wings to fly.

God Bless all of us!
Sr. Stella Mary

Thought for the day

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

~ Nelson Mandela